Helmi Daycare Daily - Practical Nurse Student Project
Today's Diary crafting Today in our daycare, we were started the day as usual with morning circle. Unfortunately, not all of kids were able to come due their own reason so we have only 4 of them. Y5, K10, O6 and PM2. During the morning circle, we were talking about what day is today, weather, knowing each name of us and so on. Then we continued the activity with crafting based on our theme this week which is about the “animals”. So we did some fish crafting. The idea is to make an art using black and white fish picture then cut it out following the shape and then stick it out to the colored card paper with the glue. Then use the colorful silk paper which has been cut in small pieces, crinkle it each piece and stick it up to the fish picture. The color of the silks paper can be anything they like, kids could choose it and arrange it freely. They did really good job even the youngest one (PM2) seemed enjoyed the crafting time. When it’s done, we put the name fo...